Friday, January 22, 2010

I am 19 months old - Part 2

Hello everyone,.
I am back with new story. Are you ready to read?... Let's start. Now I am a big boy. I do lot of things by myself.
I can eat food with fork and spoon by myself. I drink juice, water, milk by myself with sippy cup. Once I am done eating, I saw with my both hands that I am done. I clean up my plate. I like to wash and dry my hands by myself. I love all vegetables and fruits a lot. I also like yogurt with salt and jiru. I also like rasin bread, cookies and sweets. I also like papad.
I love to scribble with sketch pens on a paper. Once I come home from school, first thing I do is.. I take my table, sketch pens, paper and start scribbling. I also like to play with bat and ball. I love to kick the ball. I also like to play in ball pit with balls. I also like to make tower with blocks. I like to make jungle with animals and trees. I also play with Zoo toy, jeep and car.
My hobbies:
Art work:
You can't believe but I am very good at art work. I like to do painting with water colors, sketch pens. I also use brush and different things like cucumber, brocolli etc for my painting. I also like sticker time.
I am a big fan of music. Once you start music, I start enjoying it and I dance with songs. Some are my favourite cds. My music class cd, Kids rhyms cd, and its a final count down song, 12 days of christmas, lakadi ki kathi, chicken dance and many more.

Now, I like to dress and undress by myself. Mumma, helps a little but, I try to do it by my own. I take shower by my self. I love to take shower. When I get up in the morning, first thing I want to do is to take shower by myself.
Words I speak:
I can speak mumma, papa, ba, dada, NO, Ya, O O, ta ta. Sometimes I also speak Mummy, Pi Pi, Pai, Po, Aam, Aaw. I am trying to speak more and more words.

I am comfortable at school as well. I play with my teachers and friends, I do music and art time, I also take lunch and nap there.
These days my stranger anxiety is reduced a lot. I give hi-fi to everyone. I also blow kissies and do Je-Je, give hug to my teacher and friends before coming home from school.
I am a happy baby. I have 15 teeth in my mouth.
I am very emotional baby too. When I see, somebody speically mummy is not feeling well. I seat beside her. I hug her, kiss her and stay with her until she feels better.
I also go to my music class every Saturday. I love to read books too. Now, I can read books by myself. I like to dance on twinkle twinkle, Etsy-bitsy spider, Wheels on the bus go round and round, Antar Mantar Jantar, Snap that monkey, 5 little babies sleeping on the bed.. roll over, 5 little monkies jumpiing on the bed, Jiraf ni to dok lambi......

I like to put vessels in dishwasher. I can climb on sofa. I can climb down from bed.

Lot more to write,... but time to go to play... Will catch you soon...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ansh 19th month

Hello Everybody so glad to see you,
Hello everybody we are so glad to seeeeeeee you...

My 19th month has been full of events. I have started to enjoy my day care center. I get up around 8am, take a shower, eat my breakfast, and then reach the day care center at about 9:30. I don't like being dropped off, but I forget about that in a few minutes and start having fun.

First half hour is typically music or play dough time. I like that a lot. Then, all the kids eat breakfast. As I have already had my breakfast at home, I keep playing. Then, my favorite part of the day as we go out to play in the sand. There are several play structures and I play on them with other kids. Sometimes we just play with a ball. I like kicking the ball its pretty fun. Once we come back, we do another circle time where the teacher goes through a story on the black board. I already know actions for several stories/poems so I do them with the teacher. I like Twinkle Twinkle little star and itcy wincy spider songs.

Then, we sit on our dining table and eat lunch that we bring from home. So far I am not eating all that well, but I plan to improve on that soon. After lunch its nap time. Sleeping is a mixed bag for me. For couple days I was sleeping well, but couple days I couldn't sleep. Mommy comes and picks me up between 3-3:30pm.

I am also getting more independent and I play by myself a lot more. Nano Anay, kaka, and kaki badha atyaare india ma chhe and I miss them. Foi-Fua were with us for a while and I enjoyed their company. I played ball with both of them, read books, and did song and dance.

I am also starting to speak little more now. I have learned to say ya and na and no. I also say really cute and I also got my first haircut at barbershop. It was not a fun experience, but I do admit I like my shorter hair. I look dashing in the military cut. I am building lot more structures as well. At school and at home I am doing lot more artwork. Once of these days my dad will scan some of my masterpieces and put them up online.

I am also eating more fruits. I like pears, strawberries, and grapes. I also like eating walnuts. I am also doing bunch of other stuff, but pappa is going to leave upto mommy to type up some of them.

My dad managed to upload 19th month pictures. The videos will be updated on my youtube channel soon.