Friday, January 22, 2010

I am 19 months old - Part 2

Hello everyone,.
I am back with new story. Are you ready to read?... Let's start. Now I am a big boy. I do lot of things by myself.
I can eat food with fork and spoon by myself. I drink juice, water, milk by myself with sippy cup. Once I am done eating, I saw with my both hands that I am done. I clean up my plate. I like to wash and dry my hands by myself. I love all vegetables and fruits a lot. I also like yogurt with salt and jiru. I also like rasin bread, cookies and sweets. I also like papad.
I love to scribble with sketch pens on a paper. Once I come home from school, first thing I do is.. I take my table, sketch pens, paper and start scribbling. I also like to play with bat and ball. I love to kick the ball. I also like to play in ball pit with balls. I also like to make tower with blocks. I like to make jungle with animals and trees. I also play with Zoo toy, jeep and car.
My hobbies:
Art work:
You can't believe but I am very good at art work. I like to do painting with water colors, sketch pens. I also use brush and different things like cucumber, brocolli etc for my painting. I also like sticker time.
I am a big fan of music. Once you start music, I start enjoying it and I dance with songs. Some are my favourite cds. My music class cd, Kids rhyms cd, and its a final count down song, 12 days of christmas, lakadi ki kathi, chicken dance and many more.

Now, I like to dress and undress by myself. Mumma, helps a little but, I try to do it by my own. I take shower by my self. I love to take shower. When I get up in the morning, first thing I want to do is to take shower by myself.
Words I speak:
I can speak mumma, papa, ba, dada, NO, Ya, O O, ta ta. Sometimes I also speak Mummy, Pi Pi, Pai, Po, Aam, Aaw. I am trying to speak more and more words.

I am comfortable at school as well. I play with my teachers and friends, I do music and art time, I also take lunch and nap there.
These days my stranger anxiety is reduced a lot. I give hi-fi to everyone. I also blow kissies and do Je-Je, give hug to my teacher and friends before coming home from school.
I am a happy baby. I have 15 teeth in my mouth.
I am very emotional baby too. When I see, somebody speically mummy is not feeling well. I seat beside her. I hug her, kiss her and stay with her until she feels better.
I also go to my music class every Saturday. I love to read books too. Now, I can read books by myself. I like to dance on twinkle twinkle, Etsy-bitsy spider, Wheels on the bus go round and round, Antar Mantar Jantar, Snap that monkey, 5 little babies sleeping on the bed.. roll over, 5 little monkies jumpiing on the bed, Jiraf ni to dok lambi......

I like to put vessels in dishwasher. I can climb on sofa. I can climb down from bed.

Lot more to write,... but time to go to play... Will catch you soon...

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