Thursday, November 27, 2008

November 2008

Hi Everyone,

A ton of stuff today to talk about. I have been eating a ton of stuff, carrots, green beans, parle-g, and even ice cream :). I like it all bring on more food!! I have also been trying to play with my new buddy Anay!! Check out both of our pictures together.

I also made my first long trip in car to Mountain View to see rental apartments for us. I liked the trip as I got to stay at different places with mommy and pappa, but staying the car seat for a long time was not fun. Here are a very very few pics from the trip.

There are also ton of other pictures of me doing fun stuff like playing in gym and my new favorite time the bath time!! More on my November in couple days when mommy finds some time to write up stuff!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Week 20: more pictures and fun

Hi Everyone,

My dad finally got some pictures uploaded for the last week. So, here is the link to the last weeks pictures. They include pictures that my ba took and also some from my first trip that my dad finally got around to moving from the camera. Also, there are pictures of the rangoli that my mommy did for me on diwali using grains!! Oh well my energy is running low, where is my applesauce when I need it :(.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New baby brother and other firsts

I have a new baby brother. His name is Anay (checkout his pics). He is really small and cute. I like to look at him and smile at him. He looks at me too. Man it will be so much fun when we both are a little bigger and can run around and do stuff together!!

In addition to typing I have been doing a ton of new stuff. So, here are some details. I am now eating apple sauce freshly made by ba and mummy. I had the apple sauce first time on November 7th. Since then I have the rice cereal with my morning feeding and apple sauce in the evening feeding. Its great. The sugar in the apple sauce gets me very active. I make a lot of noises and move around my arms and legs a lot.

I am also starting to love playing around when I take a bath. Now I splash my hands a lot. When the water gets on my face due to splashing, I get a little shocked, but its soooooooo much fun. I also grab my rubber toys in the water and play with them. In particular the blue hippo tends to get into my hands a lot. I also grab the yellow butterfly often.

I am growing very quickly. We checked my height and I am already past my mom and dad's knees. I bet I am gaining lot more weight too :). Oh well more on me and my brother when I wake up again...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Famous first words!!

Hi everyone,

Here is my first post on my own blog typed by me :). Read on...


Hjnmm,mn nb ll mm bn byuyh j9n n74 klp ;.km kom bbv uvlikjytfdi8ioio986f9opyu y fdfrt yyyyyyyyymioooooo

Monday, November 3, 2008

My first Diwali, mummy's birthday, and Chaachu is a Ph.D.

Boom... Boom... eeeeeeeeeeeeirrrrr. No that's not me typing. I am just trying to imitate sounds from last two weeks. The large cracks of firecrackers on Diwali (I wish) and the ghostly sounds of halloween. So, wish you all a very happy new year (yes it may not be a new year for u, but for gujjus it is a new year) and belated happy halloween.

My last two weeks have past in a blur. I have had my first interaction with this ugly thing called cold and cough. Misa not happy about that at all. Closed nose and snizzing are not for little kids you know. I have tough time sleeping as I have to breath through my mouth instead of my nosey. Not fun. On the bright side I am getting a little better, so hopefully I will leave that stuff behind soon.

It was mommy's birthday on Diwali day!!!! Happy birthday to mommy..cha cha cha.. Since mommy can't eat regular cake, we made her a cake from bread, potato, and carrots, yummy and healthy too!! You can check out pics of her cutting cake and getting presents in this weeks pictures link at the bottom of this post. Mommy got a poster of me and a t-shirt with me and mommy on it as presents.

My chaachu also defended his thesis on new year's day and did really well. chaachu is dr now!! Way to go chaachu! Chaachu and chaachi will soon bring me my little brother/sister too. So misa will be super happy you know!!

In terms of my progress now I measure the size of the room by rolling across the whole room. My grandma struggles to put enough comforters below me to make sure that I don't roll on to floor. I still love going out in my stroller. I have also grown considerably. Lot of my old cloths don't fit me so I have a bunch of new cloths!! Remind my dad of that advertisement...Yeh hai badhata bachha dekho kaisi kud lagaaye, yeh hai badhata bachha kapada chhota padata jaaye!! I am also talking a lot more these days, but still no words. I am also getting ready to have teeth and am drooling a lot. I love my gym. Even when I am with someone I look at my gym to see if they will just put me in their. I like to listen to the music and play with my friends.

To roll over now I grab my foot with my hands and yell aaaaaaa...then roll!! I keep trying to put my foot in my mouth and I have succeeded a few times too.

Pics from this week.