Saturday, August 23, 2008

Week 9 Part 1: Mommy is back!!!!!

Hi Everyone, my mommy is back. She came back on Monday and has been at home with me since then. Now I spend alllllllllllllll day with her, naniba, and daddy. In the evening I spend time with ba, dada, kaka, and kaki. I am rolling over lot more regularly with some help. I also like laying on my back or on my tummy and smiling up at everyone. I am smiling a lot more.

I also like to play with my toys. In particular I love staring at my bright purple monkey. I also have a brown bear, a light yellow baby, a blue doggy with a book, a yellow ducky, a light pink duky with blue cap, a yellow goofy pillow, a purple turtle pillow, yellow duky with three fishes hanging down, a blue doggy and lot more.

I love to listen when someone talks to me. These days mumma tells me lot of stories everyday. I also read first word book with mumma everyday in the afternoon. Naniba sings many songs for me and I love to listen to those songs. I go to sleep when pappa holds me like froggy. I seat on a swing with ba and dada and I go with them in my stroller for a walk in the evening everyday.

These days when Ba gives me a bath I seat in a doll filled with water. I love to take shower. I also make different types of noises.

I had doctors appointment on 19th August. Now I am 24 inches long and 12 pounds 6 oz. Doctor said my height is 90% of my age babies and my weight is 80%. My growth is very good. I took 4 shots one by mouth and three injections :(. I had a little temperature for couple days, but I am doing fine now.

I play a lot on the flat surface, I do cycling with my legs and I do boxing with my hands when I am in a mood to play. when I roll over and I am on my tummy I lift my head even 90 degrees.

Pictures and videos from this week.

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